
Archive for March 11th, 2009

So much going on…

so little to say.  I’m in one of those odd sort-it-out places where nothing quite makes sense–yet.  I’m telling myself that my subconscious is busy at work on things and will let me know when they are sorted out.  Surely I can’t be the only one that tells myself things like that?

I have a number of things in the works to blog about, but each is a step or two away from being ready.  Since it is a Wednesday and so many do a WIP flash today, here’s what IS ready to be shown:

noah's longies

Yep, that’s another pair of longies.  These are a newborn sized pair for a friend’s soon-to-be-here little guy. The color is off, it is somewhere between that and the picture below.  The first was taken with no light (we haven’t seen sun for three days) and the second with too much light.  I think I need to master the photo editing software I just bought.


Oh, and I should disclose this is another foray into the world of acrylic.  Lest you worry I’ve lost all love for wool, know that I’ll be back next post with a ton of newly-dyed wool.  I promise.

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